Past Continuous Time Tense indicates an action which took place in a certain time or that has occurred in a certain period in the past.
Koha Past Continuous Tense tregon një veprim që bëhej në një kohë të caktuar ose që ka ndodhur ne nje periudhe kohore ne te shkuaren.
Formohet me te kryeren e thjeshte te foljes be
dmth was/were + foljen +mbaresen ing
Formohet me te kryeren e thjeshte te foljes be
dmth was/were + foljen +mbaresen ing
It is used:
Per veprime qe ishin ne zhvillim ne nje kohe te caktuar ne te shkuaren.
At 8 o’clock last night she was watching TV(Ajo dje ne oren 8 po shikonte televizor)
At 8 o’clock last night she was watching TV(Ajo dje ne oren 8 po shikonte televizor)
Per dy ose me shume veprime qe beheshin ne te njejten kohe ne te shkuaren.
They were dancing while he was playing the guitar. (Ata po kercenin ndersa ai po i binte kitares.)
They were dancing while he was playing the guitar. (Ata po kercenin ndersa ai po i binte kitares.)
3.) For an action in the past that was taking place (in Past Continuous) when another action was interrupted (Past Continuous Tense).
Per nje veprim ne te shkuaren qe ishte ne zhvillim (ne past continuous) kur nje tjeter u nderpre (past continuous tense).
He was painting the bedroom while he fell of the ladder. (Ishte duke lyer dhomen e gjumit kur ra nga shkallet.)
He was painting the bedroom while he fell of the ladder. (Ishte duke lyer dhomen e gjumit kur ra nga shkallet.)
Ne pershkrime, rrefime
We were walking in woods. (Ishim duke ecur ne pyll.)
I was raining hard. (Po binte shi i rrëmbyer.)
We were walking in woods. (Ishim duke ecur ne pyll.)
I was raining hard. (Po binte shi i rrëmbyer.)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Deftore Pyetese Mohore
I was looking. Was I looking? I wasn’t looking.
You were looking. Were you looking? You weren’t looking.
He was looking. Was he looking? He wasn’t looking.
You were looking. Were you looking? You weren’t looking.
He was looking. Was he looking? He wasn’t looking.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Fjale kohore qe perdoren me Past Continuous Tense
While (ndersa) when (kur)
While (ndersa) when (kur)